Wednesday, August 09, 2006

For Bec
posted by Brian @ 9:42 PM

Just wanted to put something up here for Bec to read. Right now my life is pretty boring. Just working every day. But that's actually good news because that means I'm earning money every day.

Um, let's see... Yesterday I mowed the lawn and decided to mow right up next to one of the sprinklers that sticks up a bit on the edge of our lawn. Well the brakes on the lawn mower don't work so good, or they have some sort of delay, and BOOM! Crunch goes the sprinkler. Grrrrr!!!

So today during my lunch break I stopped by and bought a replacement. I actually bought a couple replacements just in case something like that happens again.

During my free time I'm working on a new brochure for Egghead Home Media. It's gonna be so cool! Know why? Because I'm totally copying a layout of another brochure I got in the mail. It'll have the same look and feel.

I've also figured out what might be a key to this whole brochure writing thing. I think it's better to keep the text nice and succinct. Hit the high points and move on. Too much text just makes people's eyes glaze over and they don't read it.

I might even call up a design firm that Debbie gave me the name of and see what it would cost me for them to develop my web site. Basically what I want to do is have this brochure that hits the high points and gets people wanting my stuff and wanting to know more, and then get them to visit the website where they can get more details about everything.

So that's my life. Pretty exciting eh? Anyhow, time to go water Angie's plants. Cya!


At 10:34 PM, Blogger Bec said...

Thank you and BTW, isn't it "Bec"?:)


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