Tuesday, July 18, 2006

posted by Carol @ 10:50 AM

Well, today is "prep day" for a week of trying to keep up with a running toddler. I have been working up to it by walking Barker Loop....the whole thing....for two days straight. I walked partial loops last week. I can't explain how much better and more energetic I feel. Tomorrow will be three weeks since surgery. However, still no heavy lifting for three more weeks.

I also need to plan some meals and go to McCall for groceries. I will be feeding two more mouths.

I took my first 4-wheeler ride back into the woods yesterday evening. I just had to check on the state of the huckleberries. Wow...some are already on, and there seem to be quite a few. They are still a little sour, so hopefully this hot weather won't bring them all on before I get a chance to pick. The down side is: the ride wasn't too comfortable. I may have to get my donut out when I want to ride.


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